제 16회 EASP 연례 학술회의
: East Asian Welfare Futures:
between Productivism and Social Investment
1. 일시: 2019년 7월 2일-3일
2. 장소: 대만 타이페이
3. 참석자: 유종성 교수, 이철승 교수, 박성호 교수, 하은영 교수
4. 주요 안건
1) 불평등과 사회정책 연구소 패널 발표
: Session 6A. Panel 10: Inequality and Policy and Partisan Preferences in South Korea
- "Asset Increases and Change in Social Policy Preferences: A
Natural Experiment with the South Korean Case, 2007-2016" Cheol-Sung Lee
- "Income Inequality, Social Policy Preferences, and Class Votes in
South Korea (1996-2016) Eunyoung Ha
- "Is class voting emergent in Korea?" Jong-Sung You
2) 유종성 교수, 박성호 교수 개별 발표
: Session 2H Social Policy and Taxation
- "Capital Taxation in Japan and South Korea, the 1990s-2010s:
Similar Outcome with Different Trajectories" Sung-Ho Park
- "How to Interpret the Preliminary Results of the Finnish Basic Income Experiment" Jong-Sung You
3) 하은영 교수 개별 발표
: Session 4C Welfare Regime(2)
- "The Distributive Effects of Social Welfare Policies in South
Korea, 1986-2016" Eunyoung Ha